0001193082.txt : 20170821 0001193082.hdr.sgml : 20170821 201 accession number: 0001193082 conformed submission type: 6-k public document count: 172 conformed period of report: 20170821 filed as of date: 20170821 date as of change: 20170821 filer: company data: company conformed name: anglogold ashanti ltd central index key: 0001067428 …
Corpus ID: 59777418. CRISP-DM 1.0: Step-by-step data mining guide @inproceedings{Chapman2000CRISPDM1S, title={CRISP-DM 1.0: Step-by-step data mining guide}, author={Peter Chapman and Janet Clinton and Randy Kerber and Tom Khabaza and Thomas Reinartz and C. Russell H. Shearer and Robert Wirth}, year={2000} }
Guillermo KERBER Este artículo forma parte del "Número colectivo latinoamericano sobre ecología" programado por 13 revistas teológicas del Continente para el primer semestre de 2010, por iniciativa y servicio de la «Comisión Teológica Latinoamericana» de la ASETT/EATWOT, como gesto simbólico de apoyo a la causa de la urgencia ecológica planetaria. La nueva preocupación ecológica ...
Kerber Security was established in 2004 and has been providing various high-standard and professional security services since. Over the years Kerber Security was entrusted with an endless amount of tasks and objectives and a vast area of sectors both for local as well as foreign organizations.
Kerber. Profile: Serbian hard-rock band from Niš formed in 1981 in former Yugoslavia. Band was active untill mid 90s, with occasional performings in late 90s and 2000s. Members were: Goran Šepa Gale (ex Top) - vocals Tomislav Nikolić (ex Top) - guitar Branislav Božinović (ex Top) - keyboards
GOVERNO DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO SECRETARIA DE INFRAESTRUTURA E MEIO AMBIENTE CONSELHO ESTADUAL DO MEIO AMBIENTE – CONSEMA Página 1 de 8 Av. Prof. Frederico Hermann Jr., 345 – Prédio 6, 1ºAndar CEP 05459-900 São Paulo – SP Tel.: (0xx11) 3133-3622 Fax.: (0xx11) 3133-3621 E-mail: [email protected]